Paid Ads Services

Get your business in front of the right people fast with paid search marketing that drives results. Quick visibility, Big Impact.

Boutique, Award-Winning Google Ads Agency

Stand out in search results with Digital9X’s SEM and Google Ads services. We help our clients grow with targeted, high-impact ads on Google Ads, Yahoo Ads, and Bing Ads.

Our boutique, results-focused approach means we tailor strategies just for you. From PPC Search and PMAX to Local Ads, Shopping Ads, and Retargeting, we’ve got you covered.

Strategic Google Ads Management

Boost your brand with our Google Ads. We’re all about making your brand stand out online and driving real results. Your success is our success.

Find affordable ways to reach more customers.

We help you hit your business goals with ads that show up where they matter, for the right people, with the right message. We create ads your customers actually want to see.

Search Ads

Show your product to users who have shown interest in buying it or something similar.

Display Ads

Use banner ads to boost brand awareness and retarget potential customers.

Remarketing Ads

Convert past visitors into buyers with smart Remarketing Ads that guide them straight to checkout.

Lookalike Audiences

Expand your audience by reaching new people who are similar to your existing customers.


Common Questions

Here are the answers to the most popular questions from our clients. Can’t find the info you’re looking for? Please contact us any time.

A Google Ads agency focuses on creating, managing, and improving ads on Google. Their job is to help businesses get the best return on their investment.

They handle things like keyword research, setting up campaigns, and managing budgets. They also provide detailed reports on how well the campaigns are performing.

When checking out agencies, ask about their approach and experience in your industry. Look for one that’s certified by Google.

Costs vary based on the agency’s expertise and the size and complexity of your campaigns.

There’s no set minimum. Usually, we figure out the budget based on the cost-per-click (CPC) and how many clicks we expect. Then, we estimate conversions and adjust the budget accordingly.

They track metrics like click-through rate (CTR), which shows how many people click on an ad compared to how many see it. Success is also measured by conversions, like phone calls or form submissions.

Yes, they usually tailor their services to fit the needs and budgets of any business, big or small.

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